Palm Court Jazz Cafe
The Palm Court Jazz Cafe is a jazz club in a corner of the French
Quarter. I went there on April 26 to see a performance by Juanita
Brooks and Barbara Shorts, and also on April 30 when they had a couple
of different bands.
April 26
Lars Edegran piano; Sammy Rimington clarinet; Tom Fisher tenor sax;
Mark Braud trumpet; Fred Lonzo trombone; ? bass; ? drums; Juanita
Brooks vocal; Barbara Shorts vocal
This is Nina Buck, the proprietor of the Palm Court. She is married
George H. Buck, who owns a record company on the other side of
the building from the Palm Court. She used to be married to Sammy
Rimington, the clarinetist in this band. Nina always gets happy and
dances around during these special shows at the Palm Court.
April 30
Sammy Rimington clarinet - alto sax; Ernie Elie drums; David
Bodinghouse piano; ? Adams bass; ? trumpet - flute; Thais Clark vocal
This band was from Japan. I didn't get their names, but the guy on
washboard was really good.