In-Store Performances
The record stores in the French Quarter host free in-store
performances. During Jazzfest these performances go on more-or-less
continuously during the times that the festival isn't in session. The
setting is intimate - the audience is usually just a few feet away from
the musicians. During Jazzfest a lot of big-name acts perform in the
Henry Butler
Henry Butler is a very popular local blues pianist and singer. I
have also seen him perform with jazz bands. This performance was at
Tower Records.
Who Is This?
This act came on at Tower after Henry Butler. They played rock,
which I didn't feel like listening to at the time. Can someone tell me
who it is?
Preservation Hall Quartet
This is a sub-group of the Preservation Hall Jazz Band performing
at Louisiana Music Factory.
Evan Christopher
Here is Evan Christopher (my favorite clarinetist) performing at
Louisiana Music Factory. I don't remember the name of the guitarist.